An Anti ragging Committee is organized as under for T. V. Ed's Institute of Pharmacy, Faizpur , Dist- Jalgaon The Committee will advise steps and measures to ensure that no ragging taken place within the compus or outside. The organization of the committee is as under.
Principal Shri R. L. Chaudhari
Representative of Academic Faculty
1. Shri. D.J. Patil
2. Shri. S. S. Thombare
3. Mrs. A. V. Bhangale
Representative of Non Teaching Staff
1. Shri. B. S. Patil
2. Shri. A. R. Kolhe
Representative of Parents
1. Shri. Atul Mahajan
2. Shri. Vasant Mahajan
Representative of Students
1. Mahajan Lokesh Pravin 3. Mankar Sakshi Sudhir
2. Mahajan Purvesh Vasant 4. Dhangar Venu Vinod
Representative of Civil
1.Shri Sanjay Janardhan Chaudhari
Representative of police Administration
PSI (Savda Police Station)
In terms of sexual harassment of women at work place ( prevention, harassment and redressal) Act2013(14 of 2013)wide notification published in the gazette of India : extra ordinary(part-ii-sec-3(i) and, with a view to provide protection against discrimination and sexual harassment of women at work place and for the prevention and redressal of complaint of sexual harassment and for matter connected therewith or incidental there to, the INTERNAL COMPLAINT COMMITTEE has been constituted in Institute of Pharmacy , Faizpur.
ICC is responsible for the following issues:
1. Investigating every formal written complaint of sexual harassment / eve teasing.
2. Taking appropriate remedial measure to respond to any substantiated allegation of harassment.
3. Discouraging and preventing victimization of girl student by faculty / staff or employment related in convenience and harassment.
Conducting guest lectures and workshop on work balancing, stress management and self defence etc.
In case of any complaint, and employee / student of the college may contact the following
Name |
Designation |
Contact no. |
Email id |
Dr. Rajashree Nemade |
Presiding officer |
9975361588 |
Mrs. A.V. Bhangale |
Member |
9326385617 |
Miss. Kajal N Nemade |
Member |
9158317159 |
Mrs. Madhuri Patil. |
NGO member |
9168405639 |
Miss. Kalyani A Mahajan |
Student |
7058571157 |
Miss. Chanchal P Chaudhari |
Student |
8668702153 |